Knock Knock Web Analytics
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A Brief Description of Using Knock Knock Analytics

Click here for a more detailed description of using Knock Knock Analytics.

All analytic data can be displayed with respect to a user defined range of dates. The user can select either a predetermined date range or a custom date range to display all respective data.

For any of the following bulleted information, it is possible to drill down to an individual visitor to view complete details of their visit through a website.

  • by Date and Time Any visitors to the website can be tracked by the Date and Time of their entry into the site. The user can select either a predetermined date range or a custom date range to display all respective visitors.
  • by Search Engines and Search Keywords A list of search engines including the number of visitors they brought to the site is provided. From this display, the exact search words used by each visitor can be displayed.
  • by Geographic Location Any visitors that come to the site can be identified and grouped by Country, Region(State in the USA) and City. Google maps can also be displayed for these locations.
  • by External Referring Site A list of external referring websites and the number of visitors they directed to the site is provided. The list will contain links to these referring websites so they can be visited to see the placement of your link.
  • by Email Inbox A list of email providers is displayed, based on visitors who selected your website link from their email inbox.
  • by Visitor Downloaded Files This page may not be applicable for every site. If a site has downloadable files, then a listing of files downloaded by visitors can be shown for a specified date range.
  • by Most Popular Visitor pages A listing of all the pages in your website is displayed with many Page Popularity attributes. The table is displayed in descending order with respect to number of visits per page.
  • Advertising Campaigns Knock Knock has the ability to create and track many simultaneous advertising campaigns. Whether you advertise with Google Addwords, other external web sites, emailings, etc., Knock Knock has a suite of software tools to monitor the effectiveness of these campaigns.