Knock Knock Web Analytics
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A Detailed Description of Using Knock Knock Analytics

Click here for a brief description of using Knock Knock Analytics.

Following are Analytics Pages with detailed descriptions that are offered by the Basic Business package.

Each numbered item in the list below represents an analytic display. The data for each display is formatted in a table. Each bullet below represents a column heading in the table.

All analytic data can be displayed with respect to a user defined range of dates. The user can select either a predetermined date range or a custom date range to display all respective data.

  1. by Date. When this page is first entered, a top level view of all visitors, defaulted to today, will be shown. The user can then select either a predetermined date range or a custom date range to display all respective visitors.
    • View Details. The button in this column allows the user to enter the Visit Details page described below.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Repeat Visitor. An indication of whether this is an Initial visit or a Repeat visitor. When possible, a history of visits for this visitor can be listed. The Initial or Repeat indicator is cookie based. If a visitor has cookies disabled, then this field can never indicate Repeat. Clicking on this link will take a user to the Attempt History page described below.
    • Referrer. The external Referrer that brought the visitor to this site. This could be a Search Engine, Email Inbox or an External Link from another website. By clicking on this link the user can view the external Referrer page and find where his link was placed.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.

  2. by Downloads. This page may not be applicable for every site. If a site has downloadable files, then a top level view of the downloaded file information, for the date range specified, is displayed here.
    • View Details. For the date range specified, if only one occurrence exists for a particular download, then the Visit Details page described below is displayed. If more than one occurrence exists, then the Downloaded Files Details page described below is displayed.
    • Download File. The name of the file that was downloaded.
    • Occurrences. The number of times this file was downloaded for the date range specified.

  3. Downloaded Files Details. In the case a file has been downloaded more than once for the date range specified, a table listing all visits that downloaded the file is displayed. The name of the downloaded file is given at the top of the table.
    • View Details. The button in this column allows the user to enter the Visit Details page described below.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Repeat Visitor. An indication of whether this is an Initial visit or a Repeat visitor. When possible, a history of visits for this visitor can be listed. The Initial or Repeat indicator is cookie based. If a visitor has cookies disabled, then this field can never indicate Repeat.
    • Referrer. The external Referrer that brought the visitor to this site. This could be a Search Engine, Email Inbox or an External Link from another website. By clicking on this link the user can view the external Referrer page and find where his link was placed.
    • Previous Pages Viewed. This statistic is not always applicable, but if this is a Repeat visitor then there should be a count of previous pages, from previous visits, viewed in this column.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.

  4. by Email. If a site has received visitors, that arrived as a result of a link selected in their email inbox, then a top level view of those email service providers will be displayed here for the date range specified.
    • View Details. For the date range specified, if only one occurrence exists for a particular email service, i.e. yahoo, hotmail, etc., then the Visit Details page described below is displayed. If more than one occurrence exists, then the Email Inbox Referrer Details page described below is displayed.
    • Inbox Referrer. The name of the email service provider.
    • Occurrences. The number of times that visitors were received, from this email service provider, for the date range specified.

  5. Email Inbox Referrer Details. In the case a visit was received more than once, for a particular email service provider, for the date range specified, a table listing all those visits is displayed. The name of the email service provider is given at the top of the table.
    • View Details. The button in this column allows the user to enter the Visit Details page described below.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.

  6. by Location. When this button is selected a top level listing will be displayed of all the visitors to the site for the date range specified. These visitors will be arranged and displayed by Country location.
    • View Details. For the date range specified, if only one occurrence exists for a particular Country, then the Visit Details page described below is displayed. If more than one occurrence exists, then the Location Details - 1st Level page described below is displayed.
    • Country.The Country where the visitor originated.
    • Occurrences. The number of visits per Country for the date range specified.

  7. Location Details - 1st Level. In the case more than one visit was received in the time range specified, for a particular country, a table listing all those visits is displayed in terms of Country, Region(State) and City.
    • View Details. For the date range specified, if only one occurrence exists for a particular City, then the Visit Details page described below is displayed. If more than one occurrence exists, then the Location Details - 2nd Level page described below is displayed.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Occurrences. The number of visits per Country, Region and City for the date range specified.

  8. Location Details - 2nd Level. In the case more than one visit was received in the time range specified, for a particular city, a table listing information about each particular visitor is displayed.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Repeat Visitor. An indication of whether this is an Initial visit or a Repeat visitor. When possible, a history of visits for this visitor can be listed. The Initial or Repeat indicator is cookie based. If a visitor has cookies disabled, then this field can never indicate Repeat. Clicking on this link will take a user to the Attempt History page described below.
    • Referrer. The external Referrer that brought the visitor to this site. This could be a Search Engine, Email Inbox or an External Link from another website. By clicking on this link the user can view the external Referrer page and find where his link was placed.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.

  9. by Page Popularity.When this button is selected a top level listing of all the pages in your website will be displayed with many Page Popularity attributes. The table is displayed in descending order with respect to number of visits per page.
    • Number of Visits. The number of visits that were made to this page during the date range specified. Selecting this link will take you to a Page Popularity Number of Visitors Details page where details about each of these visits are displayed.
    • Number Entry Visits. The number of times that this page was the first page of a visit during the date range specified.
    • Number of Exits From Page. The number of times that this page was the last page of a visit during the date range specified. The visitor left the site on this page.
    • Number Times Only Page Visited. The number of times that this was the only page visited for a visitor. This was both the entry and exit page and there were no other pages visited. This is defined as a Bounce.
    • Number Referrers to this Page. This will display the number of Referrers that brought visitors to this web page. Selecting this link will take you to an External Referrer Details page where details about each of these Referrers are displayed.

  10. External Referrer Details - entered from Page Popularity. This page will display a top level listing of External Referrers that brought a visitor to this page. The total number of visitors referred to this page is displayed above the table.
    • View Details. The button in this column allows the user to enter the Visit Details page described below.
    • Page. The web page applicable for these analytics.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Referrer. The external Referrer that brought the visitor to this site. This could be a Search Engine, Email Inbox or an External Link from another website. By clicking on this link the user can view the external Referrer page and find where his link was placed.

  11. Page Popularity Number of Visitors Details. This analytics display will show a top level listing of visitors to this popular page. The total number of visitors to this page is displayed above the table.
    • View Details. The button in this column allows the user to enter the Visit Details page described below.
    • Page. The popular web page applicable for these analytics.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Repeat Visitor. An indication of whether this is an Initial visit or a Repeat visitor. When possible, a history of visits for this visitor can be listed. The Initial or Repeat indicator is cookie based. If a visitor has cookies disabled, then this field can never indicate Repeat. Clicking on this link will take a user to the Attempt History page described below.
    • Referrer. The external Referrer that brought the visitor to this site. This could be a Search Engine, Email Inbox or an External Link from another website. By clicking on this link the user can view the external Referrer page and find where his link was placed.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.

  12. by Referrer. When this button is selected a top level listing will be displayed of External Referrers that brought a visitor to this site.
    • View Details. For the date range specified, if only one occurrence exists for a particular Referrer, then the Visit Details page described below is displayed. If more than one occurrence exists, then the External Referrer Details page described below is displayed.
    • Referrer. The external Referrer that brought the visitor to this site. This could be a Search Engine, Email Inbox or an External Link from another website. By clicking on this link the user can view the external Referrer page and find where his link was placed.
    • Occurrences. The number of visits for this Referrer for the date range specified.

  13. External Referrer Details - entered from by Referrer. When this analytic page is selected a more detailed listing will be displayed of External Referrers that brought a visitor to this site.
    • View Details. The button in this column allows the user to enter the Visit Details page described below.
    • Entry Page. The website page where this visitor first entered the site. This will be the website page that the external referrer directed the visitor to.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.

  14. by Searches. When this button is selected a top level listing will be displayed of Search Engines that brought visitors to this site for the date range specified.
    • View Details. For the date range specified, if only one occurrence exists for a particular Referrer, then the Visit Details page described below is displayed. If more than one occurrence exists, then the Search Referrer Details page described below is displayed.
    • Search Referrer. The name of the Search Engine used.
    • Occurrences. The number of visits for this Search Engine for the date range specified.

  15. Search Referrer Details. This page will be entered from the by Searches analytic page. It will provide greater detail for individual Search Engine analytics for the date range specified. The search engine will be shown above the table.
    • View Details. The button in this column allows the user to enter the Visit Details page described below.
    • Search Words. The search words that were typed in by the visitor, that the Search Engine used to find the site.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.

  16. Visit Details. This analytic page displays all the details of an individual visit. For a specific visit, it will describe, in detail, the movement of the visitor through the website. All the pages visited, downloads, external links followed, etc. will be displayed here, in chronological order. If a particular navigation route is desired to hit a "goal" page or a particular target page is being tracked, the success of this type of engagement can be obtained here.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Previous Visit. If applicable, the date and time of the visitor's Previous Visit is shown. Not all visitors will have visited before, and then this field will show 0. Clicking on this link will take a user to the Attempt History page described below.
    • Previous Pages Viewed. If applicable, the number of pages that the visitor has viewed from previous visits is shown. This can give an indication of how "loyal" this customer is. This field is cookie dependant, and if, in the past, the visitor has deleted all the cookies from his computer or disabled cookies, then this field can only count the Previous Pages Viewed since this occurrence. Not all visitors will have visited before, and then this field will show 0.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.
    • Referrer. If applicable, the external Referrer that brought the visitor to this site. This could be a Search Engine, Email Inbox or an External Link from another website. By clicking on this link the user can view the external Referrer page and find where his link was placed.
    • Reverse DNS Host. The hosting service for the visitor.
    • Browser Used. The Browser used by the visitor, and other computer and operating system information.
    • Search Words. If applicable, the search words that were typed in by the visitor, that the Search Engine used to find the site.
    • To see a Geo-map Clicking on this button will bring up the Map Geo Locations analytic page described below.
    • php Session ID. A tracking indicator for an individual visit. This may not provide much useful information to the customer, but is valuable for the analytic developer and has been captured and displayed for further analytic purposes.
    • Page(s) Viewed. These are the names of the web pages, downloads, internal links accessed, etc. viewed for this visit. In general, it shows a measure of the visitor's engagement around the web site and displays interesting information if it is available.
    • Time On Page. The Time On Page will show the time the visitor spent on the particular web page, download, etc. It is determined by the difference in time between the current page being viewed and the next page visited. The last page visited is marked as unknown time. Sometimes the Time On Page may show hours or even days. This may be because the visitor has let his browser sit on the page for an extended period of time, while something else was being done, went to bed, etc.
    • IP Address. This is the IP Address of the visitor. As with the php Session ID this may not provide much useful information to the customer, but is valuable for the analytic developer and has been captured and displayed for further analytic purposes.

  17. Initial/Repeat/Attempt History. The Attempt History analytic page will not always provide useful data. This is why it is labeled as Attempt History. This analytic will attempt to provide a history of visits by using IP Addresses. However, IP Addresses are not always consistent for a visitor and therefore a completely accurate history may not be obtained. But sometimes this page does provide useful results.
    • View Details. The button in this column allows the user to enter the Visit Details page described below.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Repeat Visitor. An indication of whether this is an Initial visit or a Repeat visitor. When possible, a history of visits for this visitor can be listed. The Initial or Repeat indicator is cookie based. If a visitor has cookies disabled, then this field can never indicate Repeat.
    • Referrer. If applicable, the external Referrer that brought the visitor to this site. This could be a Search Engine, Email Inbox or an External Link from another website. By clicking on this link the user can view the external Referrer page and find where his link was placed.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.

  18. Map Geo Locations. The Map Geo Locations analytics page will show three maps. A wide detail map to show a recognizable general location in the world. The next two maps zoom in to provide a more defined area.
    • Visit Time. The time when this visitor first entered the site. This is pacific coast, USA time.
    • Country, Region, City.The Country, Region and City where the visitor originated. In the USA, Region will correspond to State. Sometimes this location will correspond to the location of the ISP provider for the visitor.
    • Previous Visit. If applicable, the date and time of the visitor's Previous Visit is shown. Not all visitors will have visited before, and then this field will show 0.
    • Previous Pages Viewed. If applicable, the number of pages that the visitor has viewed from previous visits is shown. This can give an indication of how "loyal" this customer is. This field is cookie dependant, and if, in the past, the visitor has deleted all the cookies from his computer or disabled cookies, then this field can only count the Previous Pages Viewed since this occurrence. Not all visitors will have visited before, and then this field will show 0.
    • Potential Name. Mainly for use where website visitors login and can be followed by their login identification. This could be replaced by an IP address if the visitor is unknown.